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QvxFieldType type

Data type in which field values are stored in QVX formatted data stream.

Types and values

Type value



An integer value is passed in normal 2-complement binary representation. The exact layout of the value is determined by the BigEndian flag and a ByteWidth (of 1,2,4 or 8).


An unsigned integer value is passed in normal binary representation. The exact layout of the value is determined by the BigEndian flag and a ByteWidth (of 1, 2, 4 or 8).


A floating point number is passed in IEEE 754-2008 standard formats (binary32 or binary64). The exact layout of the value is determined by the BigEndian flag and a ByteWidth (of 4 or 8).


Data is passed as a packed BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) number - two digits per byte. Low nybble (4 bits) of last byte of 0xB or 0xD means negative, 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, 0xF means positive, 0-9 is extra digit. Extra leading digit positions are 0-filled.


Binary data interpreted as BLOB. Limited use in QlikView and Qlik Sense.


Data is a text string that may be interpreted as a number by QlikView or Qlik Sense depending on the supplied FieldAttrType. CodePage defines the encoding. 1200/1201 means UTF-16 and also defines its byte order. When the extent is QVX_FIX, binary trailing zero-padding should be used.


A flag byte, possibly followed by a number and /or a string. First comes one flag byte of type QvxQvSpecialFlags. Depending on the flag, there can follow a number and/or a string. The number may be an integer or a double. The string is always in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format and zero terminated.

It's recommended to use one of the other types if possible.


Only the listed flag combinations are allowed.

QVX_QV_SPECIAL_NULL = 0, // No data follows after this QVX_QV_SPECIAL_INT = 1, // An integer after this QVX_QV_SPECIAL_DOUBLE = 2, // A double after this QVX_QV_SPECIAL_STRING = 4, // String is zero terminated and in UTF-8 or UTF-16 QVX_QV_SPECIAL_INT_AND_STRING = 5, // Integer before string QVX_QV_SPECIAL_DOUBLE_AND_STRING = 6, // Double before string

The possible combinations are limited to QVX_QV_SPECIAL_INT_AND_STRING and QVX_QV_SPECIAL_DOUBLE_AND_STRING. The string must be a zero terminated UTF-8 or UTF-16.

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